24. A typical lunch consists of: (From the snack bar at work) hot dish with meat, crackers, tea. 25. A typical dinner consists of: Hot dish with meat (with either rice, potatoes, vegetable, noodles). Main thing is meat-beef or mutton. 26. Are you satisfied with your food? Yes. 27. Does your family rent or own your house? We own our home. 29. Did you buy the house or inherit it? We inherited it from Lkhamsuren's grandfather and grandmother when they died. The house is a ger. We bought the fence. 30. Is it government subsidized? The land belongs to the state and is rent free. We have to pay insurance to the state. 31. How much did it cost to buy? How did you do it? We inherited it from Lkhamsuren's grandfather and grandmother when they died. 32. How many rooms and how many square feet is it? One room, 16 feet in diameter. Approximately 200 square feet. 33. Do you own any other property outside of your dwelling? No. Family Education & Well-Being 34. Are your family members literate, and if so, which ones? Everyone in family is literate, except the 5 year old.